Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Added Stuff & Loot

I added the game of dodge ball on the bottom of the page and a calorie checker because my brother says he's getting fat. Today I'm also getting loot and tommorow I'm getting my holler back

PS Play the dodgeball and tell me what level you reached

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Can't

I can't take a picture of my funkey family because my camera doesn't work and I can't find how take to pictures of u.b funkeys on my computer because I just got this huge update on my computer. If you can help please comment. I also can't meet anybody on u.b funkeys because my friends borrowing my holler and he lives by my grandparents 45 minutes amay from us.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Not Many People

I'm guessing not to many people are reading this blog. Probably More
People will read it later.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A year since I got my dog

Today is a year since i got my dog. Here is a photo of him when i first got him and the funky i wan't the most

My first post

I have created this blog because of all the u.b funky fans who have a blog. I also made it because of the new year. I'm not gonna post to many pictures or update it almost every day because i have to go to school and swimming practice i'm on a swim team.